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Com. L Chandrasekhar

The annals of history of this mighty and all powerful organization is replete with chapters of struggles and sacrifices of its leaders and its members alike. Hidden behind these episodes of every struggle and sacrifice are the sacrosanct aims and aspirations cherished goals - which are many, innumerable perhaps countless. State Bank of India Staff Union Amaravati Circle, have Got Carved after the Bifurcation of State of Andhra Pradesh into Telegana and Andhra, from the Mighty Combined State bank of India Staff Union Hyderabad Circle Union Which represented the Combined State of Andhra Pradesh. The SBISUAC represents the aspirations and stood for its Self respect of the membership of awards staff of the bifurcated State of Andhra Pradesh consisting of 13 districts.

Assiduously conscious of great sacrifices made by the membership and Great leaders have steered the ship of our union filled with great hardships and fulfilled all the aspirations and desires of our membership. The number of brave warriors and fighters who have led, guided, directed, preserved and protected our most caressing, caring and delightful 50 year old erstwhile SBISUHC union held vey dear to our heart and soul, during its long event full and chequered history, our many and intact innumerable. However, the memories of at least who were in the forefront of the struggles and forerunners of the sacrifices always remembered.

From the Inspitation of all those great leaders, in the General body meeting of SBISUHC at Guntur on 24 and 25 Aug 2019, The leaders, who savaged commanded and piloted the membership, Who in times of distress and hardships, controlled and escorted the organization, Com G V Ramana, Who was DGS of Vijayawada Module In erstwhile Union and Com L Chandrsekhar, DGS HQs of erstwhile union got elected as the PRESIDENT and The General Secretary of State Bank Of India Staff Union Amaravati Circle. The formation day of SBISUAC is on 01 September 2019.

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Contact Us

The General Secretary


2nd floor, Annex Buildings,
SBI, LHO Amaravati,
Gunfoundry, Hyderabad - 500 001

State : Telangana


Phone: 040-23421714 (Fax)

Mobile: 9849652496 (GS)

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